group of people

At Restoration Family Church, our vibrant and diverse ministries are made possible by dedicated leaders who serve with passion and purpose. We are honored to introduce you to the individuals who guide and inspire our church family on their faith journeys.

pastor tom price

Pastor Tom Price

Assistant Pastor, Ministry of Visitation

elder charmaine wallace

Elder Charmaine Wallace

Overseer Operations

elder peju adaramola

Elder Peju Adaramola

Overseer Evangelism & Missions

deacon jerry wallace

Deacon Jerry Wallace

Pastor’s Assistant, Senior Deacon, Overseer Ushers & Greeters

deacon leticia seale

Deacon Leticia Seale

Women’s Conference Coordinator & Overseer Hospitality

deacon danica lafortune

Deacon Danica LaFortune

Interior Decor

sireeta brown

Sireeta Brown

Children’s Church Director

theresa weathers

Theresa Weathers


mark higgins

Mark Higgins

Assistant Worship Leader

Drop Us a Message!

If you have any questions or prayer requests or would like to reach out for any reason, please do not hesitate to send us a message today!